Batman Arkham Asylum Review

It's hard to believe that many developers have tried and failed to put Batman in a video game, considering how suited the hero is to the industry. After nearly 15 years of mediocrity Rocksteady has finally given Batman the game he deserves and its simply one of the best games of the year.

The game begins with Batman returning the Joker to Arkham Asylum, the institution/prison for the criminals of Gotham. However the homicidal villain has a plan up his sleeve and letting himself get caught was just the beginning. The Joker soon escapes, throwing the asylum into chaos with other villains like Harley Quinn among others doing his dirty work. The story is brilliant for bringing together characters from the comics and also gives newbies and veterans alike insights into the world not seen in the movies and other media. Be prepared for many plot twists and turns. Not every villain makes it in but this can be forgiven because they're explained in collectable biographies and more importantly they can be used in the sequel.

From the beginning you have the freedom to go where you want. Some areas can't be unlocked or gone back to until you progress the story. As you go through the story Batman gets new gadgets that can be used in combat as well as traversal. These tools are also required to get to 240 different secrets the riddler has hid around the place. This could be trophies, interview tapes or the best, riddles that are solved by scanning objects like aligning question marks and the like. Collecting these nets you character trophies, challenges and character bios. With so much backtracking Arkham Asylum ensures that there is never a dull moment. Instead of taking a boring stroll through the same grounds there could be a sniper or gang of thugs blocking your path. The island is also affected in ways every time you go through them. When Poison Ivy breaks loose, her plants inhabit the island growing realistically and changing the scenery to a dark red colour. After you're done with the story you can test your skills in either combat or predator. Combat has you beating down waves of thugs while racking up combos while predator sees you clearing a room full of armed guards. These challenges make you feel like Batman and this is what makes BAA such an enjoyable romp. There isn't any multiplayer but you can post your scores to online leaderboards and compare with your friends list. BAA will last a good 12 hours and is extended by riddles, challenges, and two free DLC packs. On PS3 you can play as Joker in the challenge maps but they aren't too different from Batman and are more tricky.

Batman has been built in an environment to show off the heros talents and they really shine. The game is broken into three areas. Traversal, combat and stealth. It would have been nice to drive Batman's vehicles like the Batmobile and Batwing but the gameplay is polished enough that noone will complain. Combat is very innovative with no camera problems. Batman punches with square, counters with triangle, stuns with circle and dodges with X. Gadgets like the batarang and batclaw can also be used. These gadgets can be upgraded when enough exp points are earned through combat and finding secrets. Only one upgrade can be bought at a time. This could be better armour or upgrades to Batmans moves. It takes some getting used to but soon you'll be racking up huge combos and adding in finishing moves too. The fights look amazing and show how Batman brutally beats his foes. When the thugs have guns you need to be more careful. Batman will go down in a few seconds if caught in the open. In these fights stealth takedowns and gadgets are necessary for victory. That's where the gargoyles come in. There are plenty of them scattered around each wide open room and you can lose the thugs by zipping from perch to perch. It's a little strange that they can't see you up there but the game would be more frustrating otherwise. Batman's detective mode lets you plan an attack, highlight what you can interact with and also help to find secrets. It can feel like cheating sometimes but it's essential for getting through the game.BAA can be challenging but it's only ever frustrating on hard where the counter icons are removed. It's hard to come up with any negatives for a game this polished. Some may think that the final battle could have been more inventive and that more iconic villains like the penguin should have made it, but in a game this faithful to the dark knight it's hard to complain.

Batman Arkham Asylum is a great looking game, combining different environments including botanical gardens and a mansion to create the atmosphere needed for a Batman experience. Kevin Conroy voices Batman with Mark ''Luke Skywalker'' Hamill playing the Joker. The performance is excellent across the board and every character has been created with great care and attention.

Batman Arkham Asylum is a game that no fan should miss out on. It successfully captures the essence of Batman that every other game somehow missed. If you're not a fan of Batman then you should try this game regardless because it's just so fun and truly makes you feel like the dark knight.

Rating: 9/10

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