Top 10 Under the Radar Games of 2013

A belated Happy New Year to everyone! 2013 is already looking to be another great year for gaming and many users and publications are listing their most anticipated games of the year. I'm going to change things up and list the games that may have slipped from the gaming's world's attention but are still worth watching in case more is revealed about them.
This list includes games that we know little about and games that we are desperate for information on but have kept in the dark for an extended time period. Everyone will have their own favourites and of course this is only my own personal list.

10. Ryse (Kinect exclusive Crytek)

Perhaps the final hardcore game for Kinect, Ryse has huge hopes on its shoulders. First announced at E3 2011 Ryse is a motion controlled trip through ancient times, hacking and slashing through numerous enemies in vicious melee combat. Since then Crytek has said nothing about the game due to its work on Crysis 3, causing some to wonder whether the game is even Kinect exclusive or not anymore. It's low on my list because I believe (and others may agree) that we've all had quite enough of the lacklustre Kinect and all its failings and money grabbing schemes. Expectations have also been set lower by the terrible Steel Battalion: Heavy Armour, which failed miserably at satisfying the hardcore crowd last year. Regardless Crytek is a very talented and well known company that COULD find a way to finally appease the motion sensing accessory despite the slim chance it has of succeeding. 

9. Agent (Possibly a PS3 exclusive Rockstar North)

Announced way back in 2007, the PS3 exclusive ''Agent'' is a stealth action game developed by none other than Rockstar Games. Work on Grand Theft Auto 5 has clearly spread the team thin on this game, having not anything about the game since 2011 when the first few images were released. There have been rumours that the game may not be PS3 exclusive anymore, that it may have been cancelled or otherwise not even announced at all according to Take Two CEO Strauss Zelnick in August 2012. The title remains interesting to me because it's a genre that Rockstar has never covered before and combining the company's huge reputation for deep storylines and a Cold War setting has the potential for a great plot filled with betrayal and conspiracy. Perhaps we may hear more after GTA 5's release.  

8. Killzone Mercenary (PS Vita Guerilla Cambridge) 

Just like Kinect PS Vita is collecting dust on many store shelves, watching and waiting for it's first big game that will warrant a purchase and show off the Vita's potential in the process. Killzone Mercenary seems to be the last major Sony franchise to make its debut on the platform and after the disappointments of Resistance Burning Skies and Call of Duty Black Ops Declassified this title has suitably lofty expectations to meet. Having made the reasonably good LBP Vita, Guerrilla Cambridge may just be able to adapt to a new genre and give the Vita the system seller it deserves.

7. Rainbow 6 Patriots (Consoles and PC Ubisoft Montreal)

Three years after Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 launched, the premier tactical shooter from Ubisoft made its return with an intense and gritty debut trailer that showed off the new anvil engine and a mission on a bridge in New York. The game even went out of its way to make you invested in the victims of terrorist group ''True Patriots'' a first for the series and perhaps any tactical shooter in general, bringing a new layer of authenticity to the genre. Other information including actual gameplay and further plot details are hidden away at the moment, with rumours that the game may have pushed to the next generation of consoles. The focus of Ubisoft Montreal appears to be on the much more anticipated Watch Dogs currently though more details on ''Patriots'' should emerge as Watch Dogs nears its release date. 

6. FUSE (PS3 and Xbox 360 Insomniac Games)

After 16 years of exclusivity to Sony consoles, one of my all-time favourite gaming companies Insomniac Games is branching out to multiple platforms with FUSE, now under the banner of Electronic Arts. Previously known as Overstrike the game has since been rebranded as a futuristic character based coop shooter, FUSE. While the cover based gunplay and abilities may seem similar to Mass Effect and Gears of War, Insomniac is sure to imbue it with the creative weaponry and solid production they have become known for over the years. The only issue I have is how EA will handle Insomniac; will they turn them into a money grabbing machine similar to what they've done with Battlefield and Medal of Honour?

5. Dragon Age 3 (Consoles and PC Bioware)

Dragon Age 2 was a slight disappointment for many a fan of the original; though the gameplay was made more streamlined and straightforward much like Mass Effect 2, the storytelling Bioware has built a reputation on fell flat thanks to uninteresting characters and little urgency to the overall quest. Once Bioware cleans its hands of Mass Effect 3, it's sure to begin work on the third and perhaps final entry in the fantasy RPG trilogy. Right now all we have is a few pieces of concept art but it's been enough to begin the hype. We'll likely hear from Bioware once the DLC for Mass Effect 3 is all done and dusted.

4. GRID 2 (Consoles and PC Codemasters)

GRID 2, follow up to the excellent Race Driver Grid has been a long time coming; with its more realistic approach to driving and a the simple premise of a driver taking up jobs to earn money for more cars, combined with some truly amazing technical presentation made it a hit amongst racing fans. While the game is drifting ever closer to release Codemasters has neglected to give out much information where gameplay and refinements to the formula are concerned, which has made the wait all the more difficult to swallow. With the summer of 2013 around the corner , it won't be long before Codemasters lets loose with a full suite of information on its upcoming racer.

3. Prey 2 (Consoles and PC Human Head Studios)

After an electrifying debut with a stunning CGI trailer at E3 2011, Prey 2 seemed to vanish completely with no information from the developer, nor Bethesda. Worse still rumours circulated that the game had been cancelled but thankfully these rumours were debunked in April last year. Even so it's still been a long time since we've heard anything about the game and it's difficult to determine what is keeping the team busy. Perhaps Bethesda is more focused on The Elder Scrolls Online or Human Head Studios is working away diligently, refusing to let anything leak to the public. The game could well return at E3 this year or possibly even the Game Developers Conference if the developer sees it as a good time to put out more information.

2. The Last Guardian (PS3 Team Ico)

The Last Guardian has been hidden away in Team Ico's visionary labs since its announcement in 2009 with little more than an initial trailer. To this day there has been little to nothing on the gameplay and story, instead the game has run into a few setbacks, including some major designers leaving the project entirely causing some to wonder if the next-gen successor to Ico and Shadow of the Colossus will manage to scrape release during the PS3's final days (We all know PS4 will announced sooner or later). Both of its predecessors left such huge lasting marks on our gaming lives with intensely emotional stories and incredibly unique gameplay scenarios. Many long term fans of Sony including myself keep their hopes strong that this elusive game will finally give us the emotional journey it promises.

1. Half Life 2: Episode 3 or Half Life 3 (PC and possibly consoles Valve Corporation)

Over five years since The Orange Box was released Valve has garnered itself quite a reputation as one of the biggest teasers in the gaming industry. Countless distractions, countless other projects and countless rebuking of various questions have led the next Half Life game to become one of the most sought after games nearing the end of this console generation. Thousands upon thousands of fans are desperate to find out what will happen aboard the mysterious vessel, the Borealis, what will become of Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance and what will be the next step in the war against the Combine. Independent projects such as ''Escape from City 17'' ( have attempted to fill the void but have proved only to be minor distractions as Valve has constantly evaded their flagship series, be it with the Left 4 Dead series, the upcoming full release of DOTA 2 and now the release of their own gaming console, leaving many fans frustrated and confused. Could 2013 be the year that Gordon Freeman finally makes his return to the FPS world? We can only wish and wait...

Thanks for checking out my list!!! Leave your own suggestions and opinions. Are you still watching these games? Here's wishing you all a great year in gaming!

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